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                                                 Africa in the Resurrection 

Africa…"Mother Earth" is very deserving of the attention and world focus it is now drawing... the proper perspective of constructive and productive-ideas that "investors" now bring to light.  It is a positive "Hope" and respect to a 'Continent' of countries...long ridden of its precious pre-historic treasures in the matter of early civilization.  Africa is rich in earthly treasures such as diamonds, ivory, pearls, coal, and oil; which has been exploited in recent years, and for a long-time, hidden under the camouflage of re-establishment.  Efforts of reconstruction in governments, laws and social orders, by leaders, dictators...and foreign 'captivators', have been a struggle throughout the African continent for decades. 

When some American companies recently decided to revise methods of implementing their investments into Africa's remaining (and newly cultivated rich soils)....of vast resources, and recognizing the value of a viable "working class" of people in Africa...the tables have now turned in favorable foreign interest.  To turn their "fresh eyes" and brilliant ideas...back towards the potential (gain) of economic rendering...rather than in the on-going social warfare and polictical conflicts of Africa.

During the last decades…there has been a lack of (world-wide) interest or mass support in Africa's regions that have severely declined...needing recovery, or in boosting its economy; in areas where the starvation of thousands of children (every year) is still vaguely ignored by the majority of the world.  Africa's wealthy neighbors in the Far-East and Western world have evaded them, for the most part; not enabling the mission of caring for the sick, clothing and feeding the hungry, in a number of dying (third-world) countries on this beautiful continent.  Africa has always been a "diamond in the rough"...the over-looked and over-shadowed palace...of God’s dark beauty; an unfavorable, remotely abandoned... place (politically, socially, and economically) for "would be "investors" in its economy. 

After the end of the "slave trade" era, ‘South Africa’ was barren of "goodwill and fortune", left ravished by neglect and poverty...and lack of adequate healthcare.  Africa's native infrastructure was all but demolished.  Most of the (early 1900s) European settlers into Africa built "fortresses" for themselves, in the more desirable areas of the African coastal regions and in more 'suitable' climate areas.  They made themselves ‘at home’ they continued to remodel the territories (they had taken over in battle) in the manner that suited their purposes and goals.  There was no desire to share their newly 'acquired' wealth; nor spend their 'valuable time' (efforts) re-supplying and giving aid to the poor, to the dis-located people left in the trenches; nor to the neglected and starving people, living in huts, in “the bush”, or make-shift rafters, barely eating "one meal a day" their remote villages and "ruins"; and in the jungles. 

During those years, native Africans were used as 'slaves' in their own the same way their family members, who were sold and shipped to America were in slavery.  This is the tragedy of Mother Earth...a Continent of native people whose lives and cultures, and heritage was forever changed.  For many long years, the descendants of native tribes in Africa, who once sat on thrones as Queens and Kings...were dis-inherited and became 'commodities' in South African the 'colonization' of the New World" order...just as in America.  Yet, those former perpetrators, who were seeking the obvious treasures, from the beginning...never denied the endless potential...the crown jewel of "Mother Africa".

There have always been the earthly treasures of Africa's riches, in terms of the diamond producing_ mineral rich soil and rock.  There are magnificent, huge carets of diamonds, which are exploited in the "black market" of foreign exchange systems, throughout the local underground "black market".  For a full day's labor (slavery) of many of the poorest townships of people... (who work around the clock with no lunch breaks, rest-time, etc.) ...while for a full-day's work, they are given a couple handfuls of coins!  This is for a handful of diamonds... worth millions of dollars!  In other words, for each diamond, regardless of its size and worth...a "worker" might receive a maximum of $50.00! many of my fellow African American brothers and sisters, and others...I watched the movie, Blood Diamond (2006).  It was very revealing of the reality, of what I'm speaking of; and was very well demonstrated in the movie.  Most of the people in these remote villages...their lives literally depend on getting their hands on 'just enough' of the "black market" diamonds, to be sold to finance corrupt regimes and/or disengage "warlords".   For their part, it is a day's work that may afford them a few bags of groceries each month.

Then there's the long-time outrageous killing of the elephants for their "tusks" of 'Ivory'.  That is also another atrocity!  The Ivory is also sold and/or traded in the "black market" for "illegal goods and services", to the highest bidders!  The elephant population is decreasing in significant proportions in native Kenya.

Never forgetting; the social devastation of "Apartheid" laws, and the injustice and criminalization forced upon the impoverished and weakened, "uneducated" and "out-cast" citizens, based on their native tribe-ships and territorial alignments.  It's an injustice brought on by socialist "greed" and lack of "Citizens Rights"...and it helps the "Martyrs" in their mission to dissolve "freedom of the people"; and to control people's basic rights to make worthwhile changes, and plan better futures for their families and children.  However, stricter regulations against Apartheid in recent years, and current 'anti-segregation laws' enforced in broader regions of South Africa, are making a positive change in regard to Apartheid.  Fortunately, we may be witnesses of the real end of Apartheid.  I certainly pray for our life-time. 

Now here's the 'Good News'!  Through many years of hard-fought battles, the once forsaken and "down-trodden" territories, tribal communities, and townships (of people in South Africa, particularly) have found their strength in union...and in their overall collective-will (of the people) to survive....against all odds.  It may have been slowly coming around...but there is real Hope for a better future.  They are finding agreement to resolve (depart from suffering)...and come together to build up a new and better way to work and live.  Now they (Africa) have gotten the attention and interest of the "fresh eyes" invest in an economy that will continue to prosper, as God has predestined.    

Thank God, we have seen a significant number of people in America..."step up and "take action" in aiding some of Africa's poorest countries and remote villages of people.  People such as Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, Quincy Jones, Harry Belafonte, Bob Johnson, and Bill Gates, etc., The list (of people and charities) is too long to give notice of the many people who are making a contribution, in some way to help our (all peoples) native home-land... in making the "prophetic" comeback.  It is going to happen...and all of us will be proud to see it...we all may not quite believe in it...but in due time, in due season
we will see the “Promised Land”, Redeemed and Resurrected to the Glory of God.

Now all or most of the "world" knows (excepting "Sarah Palin") and a few other American political "don't knows".....we are talking about an entire Continent... not just another “country”.  This is the same Africa from the very beginning of life!  Africa is the continent of the Beginning of Life.  The place where
God created man and beast, and all living things.  (Reference: Book of Genesis-The Bible).

Now behold the Word of God:  “As it was in the shall it be in the end”.  (Mat 24:38).  Now behold the geophysical place of the beginning of 'Life', and where God created man and all living things.  Behold, that it is God's Image that we were created as Being.  Now behold, when God says "His Word will not return unto me void”. (Isaiah 55:11) 
Behold AFRICA... will return to her Beginning of Riches and in the day Jesus Christ's blood was shed upon her rich and life-creating soils.  What is to the Resurrection of Africa’s "beginning".  God's creation will never end.  He is Eternal and Faithful to Fulfill His Word, from the everlasting to the everlasting.

Now this Is the Coming of what Will Be...the Resurrection of 'Mother Earth'. 

Tony Blair writes; Africa the "new economic frontier".  Well, there's reasonable doubt of his sincerity,(based on his past associations with militia {propaganda}for supporting wars)...however, he does extend to mention; the new developments, programs, resolutions and reforms that have taken place through-out Africa.  And yes, there is still much work to be done. 
However, we who are "abiding in the Word, and believing in the "day of redemption"...through the power of the Resurrection... we are reassured in God's Will... and not in the manner or ways of the world's changing ideals.

Let us give thanks and Praise to God...for His Faithfulness, and For His Love for Keep His Restore...and to Give an Abundance of Blessings in the 'day of Harvest', upon the Mother-Land, Africa. We shall Rejoice and Be Glad in the days to come! 

God Bless and Keep Us, In Agape

Vannessa Garrett  

To read the Huffington Post article that inspired this writing, you may click on the link below. and companies across the world are looking at Africa with fresh eyes. Where once they might have seen problems, they now see commercial opportunities. Africa is the new economic frontier.