Blackbutterfly Poetry & Art
C - Christ the Savior is born! Behold...what a Gift in Bethlehem!
H - Heaven's light forever shines so bright_ the star on high above the hills in Judea
R - Redeemer of the world_ the bodily heaven of God
I - Incarnate Love of God_ being a living sacrifice and resurrection of life.
S - Salvation through Grace of God_ the deliverance of All which saves
T - Truth is made known to man; Christ is the Way, Truth and Light
M - Miracles of Divine Power and manifestations of Faith made whole.
A - Almighty in Love_ the Alpha and Omega; Anointing Holy Lord of All...Alleluia!
S - Sacred as the stature of Righteousness, sanctifying and pure in Holiness; Sanctuary of endless Hope; Shepherd of Goodness, and Shield of Safe-Keeping; Strength of Endurance that suffices; stronger than any the Sowing of Seeds that yield what's given; Serenity of Wisdom, Merciful Blessings, Everlasting Life, Peace, Joy and Love of the Holy Spirit!
Christmas is..."Christ the more" __God in Christ Jesus
the Greatest Gift God's Love
December 5, 2009